All courses offered on the Site have been created by professors, researchers, scholars or other academic faculty at institutions of Higher Learning and Research organizations or by experts from partner institutions or establishments.
The course catalog is continually expanding as an array of training programs and learning modules are added to meet broadening public interest.
France Université Numérique (FUN)
61 bis rue de la Glacière
75013 Paris
SIREN 130 021 256
Ollivier Haemmerlé
Director of GIP
AT Internet
The FUN LMS uses the following technologies: either Open edX (under the AGPL v3 license) or Moodle (under the GPL license).
Hosting provider: OVH, 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France
Graphic Charter: S.Q.L.I. Group, 268, avenue du Président Wilson - 93210 Saint-Denis
Effective Date: October 28th 2013
Most recent update: May 29th 2024