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How to publish your profile ?

  1. click Menu (3 dots at the top of the left column), then “Paramètres du compte”

2. Click on “Affichage” to bring up the interface settings, then click on “Langue - Modify” to modify the language option to English.

How to create a peer group ?

1. Sign up on Mattermost. Then validate your account by clicking on the link that you will receive by email.

2. Click on "Create a new team" to create a group. (see image below)

3. Give your team a name that reflects the theme you want to give it, and validate the team’s URL.

4. In team settings, make sure you elect the public mode by allowing any user with an account to join your team.

5. Invite people to your group. Copy the invitation link and share it on the course’s forum with a short introduction of your group’s theme.

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