Sophie Louargant is a lecturer-researcher at the University of Grenoble Alpes and a member of the UMR Pacte in the field of social geography and regional planning. She has been involved in the field of gender studies for twenty years and has been in charge of research programs analyzing the relationships of women and men to their territories. She has held several collective positions in the Social Careers department of the IUT2, director of studies and more recently as head of department. She is in charge of the University Diploma in Gender Equality and Gender Equality Officer for the University of Grenoble Alpes. Her thesis, "L'approche de genre pour relire le territoire (2003)" focused on the analysis of the place and role of women in rural territories in the Mediterranean area. She is particularly attentive to questions of gender inequalities, be they social, cultural, spatial or territorial. She is committed to look at the conditions of possibilities for the recognition of gender equality in the territories both in the construction of public action and in the highlighting of collective and collaborative dynamics. She has been scientific manager of the NetRaw programme, Network for Rural Active Women, Erasmus-+ -strategic partnership, Adult Education, with the aim of committing herself to the transformation of women's perspective in rural areas and to lifelong learning.