About the course10/28/2024
The fight against epidemics is based not only on microbiological and epidemiological aspects, but also on the way in which populations at risk, with their social and cultural particularities, react to disease and control measures. The aim of this MOOC is to show you how the Social Sciences and Humanities (HSS) are essential for an effective health system response that is adapted to local contexts.
Here are 5 reasons why you should sign up for this training course offered by the Institut Pasteur:
Reason # 1: Understand that the proper management of an epidemic can only be interdisciplinary, including the Human and Social Sciences.
In an emergency situation, confidence in the healthcare system alone can determine the success or failure of a public health intervention.
Reason # 2: To realize that a study of the population is an essential element in the successful management of an epidemic.
The social sciences and humanities provide fundamental methodological content for taking into account the social and cultural specificities of a population, in particular analyzing its apprehension of the epidemic and the measures taken, and the match between its experience and culture and these measures.
Reason # 3: To discover how qualitative research can provide rapid and reliable answers, and to master the methodological approaches involved.
In particular, participants will learn how to choose the right methods for producing data in the context of a health emergency.
Reason # 4: Understand the ethical challenges in a health emergency context, particularly in relation to vulnerable populations.
In a health emergency, individuals may feel more vulnerable and under pressure to take part in research. Obtaining informed consent becomes tricky, and researchers in the social sciences and humanities need to think carefully, for example, about the possible effects on individuals of feeling that they are being observed in their own homes or taking part in an interview, the risks of feeling stigmatized or made to feel guilty, and the fear of political manipulation of the results, etc.
Reason # 5: Improve the application of research findings in public health interventions
To increase the impact of research in epidemic contexts, it is essential to rapidly disseminate knowledge to stakeholders, in order to effectively influence interventions and public policies.
To find out more and register, click here.
Pasteur Network
Course starts: 19 November 2024
Enrolment deadline: 18 November 2025
Editor's note: The illustration in this article was created using Firefly, an artificial intelligence tool from Adobe.
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