Tissue and organ bioengineering is a new fascinating chapter of research in life sciences. It is a big challenge for academic researchers and for entrepreneurs since major benefits are forecasted.
It is a multidisciplinary work gathering cell biologists, developmental biologists, engineers, physicists, chemists, mathematicians and computer scientists.
Differentiation of stem cells into mature and functional cells, development of scaffolds onto which cells can stick, divide and differentiate, in vitro recapitulation of organogenesis, layer by layer bioprinting of tissues are the technologies that will allow to build simple or more complex tissues, organoids and fully equipped organs available for transplantation. Besides, tissue engineering leads to the construction of organ-on-chips which have been boosted by the development of microfluidic technology and with potentially wide applications in predictive toxicology, drug metabolism and micro physiology, but also leads to the development of external bio artificial organs such as lungs or livers that can allow sustaining life during an acute phase of illnesses.
This MOOC is divided in five chapters :
Teachers of this MOOC are physicians, academic scientists and entrepreneurs involved in bio-fabrication
This MOOC is organized in 5 weeks. Each week is composed of 4 to 6 sequences. In each sequence, you find a 10 minute video and 2 multiple choice questions to help students check their understanding. The videos are in English subtitled in English.
Two or 3 hangouts will be organized during the course.
This MOOC is aimed at people interested in understanding the new processes of tissue and organ bioengineering.
A bachelor of science is recommended to attend this MOOC.
All the tests are in English. A weekly evaluation is performed using about 10 MCQs and, at the end of the course, a final evaluation is performed with 30 MCQs.
Week 1: Materials
Week 2: Technologys
Week 3: Chips and Spheroids
Week 4: Bioconstruction of tissues and organs
Week 5: External bioartificial organs, Regulatory issues, Market
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Under the following terms: