At the end of this course, you will be able to:
Among its many evolutions, the Web became a way to exchange data between applications. Everyday we consume and produce these data through a growing variety of applications running on a growing variety of devices. This major evolution of the Web has applications in all domains of activity.
This MOOC introduces the Linked Data standards and principles that provide the foundation of the Semantic web. We divided this introduction into four parts:
Each week alternates short videos and quizzes, as well as supplementary resources, to gradually progress through the different principles and standards.
This course was initially designed and released in a 4-week format with the course content being accessible week after week and a workload of about 3 hours a week. Each week is divided into 5 to 7 sequences. Each sequence generally includes one short video with subtitles and the transcript available for download, one quiz related to the contents + some additionnal references and resources
At the end of each week, you will also find a PDF file of the slides displayed in the videos and some demos. Several end-of-week exercises allowing you to practice what has been presented in the different sequences of the week.
Participants need to be acquainted with basic Web notions (e.g. browser) and be able to install software on their machine.
Students' work in the course is assessed through quizzes between each video and exercises at the end of every week. A certificate will be issued by FUN, confirming successful completion of the Mooc.
You are free to:
Under the following terms:
You are free to:
Under the following terms: