Many epidemics are currently emerging or re-emerging in the world (Rift Valley Fever, Peste des Petits Ruminants ...) and their management by the health authorities require fine epidemiological surveys.
Epidemiology is the study of diseases and health factors in a population, its purpose is to provide the necessary information for health decision makers. Epidemiology is used to define plans to control a disease, predict its possible evolutions, etc…
This course will help you to acquire the basics of epidemiology of animal diseases in order to be able to propose the right monitoring indicators and to calculate predictive methods of detection. At the end of the MOOC, the participants will have acquired the basics in epidemiology necessary for a better understanding of the dynamics of the spread of animal diseases. They will know how to build, calculate and interpret the main epidemiological indicators.
A the end of the MOOC, the trainees will have acquired the fundamental concepts in animal epidemiology. Several objectives are assigned to this course, in connection with the 6 chapters:
1- know the signification of the main terms and indicators used in animal epidemiology
2- understand and analyze the differences between the different sectors of epidemiology
3- build, calculate and interpret the main indicators
4- know how to describe the situation of animal disease
5- calculate the sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of a diagnostic test
6- collect and analyze data from an epidemiological survey
Pedagogical Approach
This MOOC was build by CIRAD (with its partners) from training courses already existing and e-learning tools, which have been carried out for a long time in the field and integrated in training workshops, in veterinary schools in France and all over the world. We will use real case studies to explain the basics of epidemiology and the interpretation of results from epidemiological studies in the field.
This course is organized on 6 continuous weeks of distance learning. It will require from you about 3 or 4 hours of work per week. Courses are based on theoretical concepts illustrated with concrete examples placing you in real situations. Videos, quizzes and other exercises will complete the lessons, with final exercises at the end of each week and at the end of the MOOC. The final exercise will count towards the overall rating of the MOOC.
This course is a Scientific MOOC, especially intended for veterinary students or any other person interested in animal diseases or working in the animal health or livestock sector, but may be followed by anyone with basic notions in mathematics.
Each video is followed by a self-correcting quiz and each week ends with a summary exercise (which participates in the final score of the MOOC). At the end of the MOOC, a cross-sectional case study will serve as a final check of knowledge and will participate half in the final grade. The MOOC will issue a final successful completion certificate to trainees who have obtained more than 60% of correct answers to the different exercises proposed and to the final case study.
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